Using Your Privilege



This week, I traveled to Little Rock with my Leadership Fayetteville cohort. We were able to spend time at the Capitol and meet with one of our Representatives. During our session with them, they were to explore some of the deciding factors impacting their votes. Our Representative responded, "I am willing to compromise on just about anything, but I am unwilling to compromise on human rights." I loved seeing such a publically advocated boundary. This statement was also a great example of someone using their privilege for positive impacts. We may not be at a State Representative level, but all of us can use our privilege for good daily.

Firstly, we must recognize the privileges we may possess. Recognizing privilege starts with an honest reflection on how certain advantages shape our daily lives. This ranges from the opportunities we access to the assumptions others make about us. Researcher and activist Peggy McIntosh describes privilege as "an invisible package of unearned assets, which I can count on cashing in each day." Reflecting on privilege does not mean applying guilt toward ourselves based on our experiences but identifying what unearned assets we possess. This exercise is to notice ways to use our privilege as leverage to help create meaningful change. If we do not put in the work to truly understand our privilege, then we are limiting our ability to use our positions for positive impact. If you have yet to reflect on your privilege and do not know where to start, here are a few reflection questions to get you started:

  • What aspects of my identity (race, gender, socioeconomic status, ability, etc.) give me advantages in daily life?

  • Have I ever been assumed to be competent, trustworthy, or safe because of how I look or speak?

  • Have I been given the benefit of the doubt in situations where others might be unfairly judged?

Secondly, we must listen and learn from underrepresented community members without assuming we know their needs. By listening to those who navigate systemic barriers, we gain insight into different experiences. Having insight makes it easier to challenge inequities rather than reinforce them. Expanding understanding requires continuous learning through reading, listening, and reflecting while being open to feedback and willing to unlearn harmful stereotypes. Upon learning about experiences, we are then given an opportunity to amplify and better support. If you are unsure of where to start, here are some ways to expand your knowledge and learning:

  • Community-led events, workshops, and discussions

  • Podcasts that help educate, such as Code Switch from NPR or Momentum: A Race Forward.

  • Books written by authors amplifying underrepresented community voices through topics such as race and social injustice, LGBTQ+ perspectives, disability and neurodiversity, gender, and intersectionality.

Lastly, take action that goes beyond symbolic gestures. It is easy to share a image on social media or advocate on a virtual platform. However, we must move our actions to more than just the virtual world. When we are navigating the month, find ways to help support local businesses, artists, and organizations led by underrepresented groups. When are navigating our work places, look for ways to help amplify and support underrepesnted voices. Push for inclusive policies addressing systemic inequities in schools, housing, healthcare, and public services. If you are unsure where to start, look into what options your city, county, and state currently have avilable such as:

  • Attending city council meetings and quorum court holdings.

  • Volunteering, fundraising, or connecting people to resources.

  • Encourage local leaders to prioritize initiatives that uplift historically marginalized communities.

It's not too late to make intentional changes to help others around you. True allyship requires consistent action, from advocating in workplaces and communities to actively listening and learning from those with different lived experiences. When we leverage privilege to amplify marginalized voices, challenge inequities, and redistribute opportunities, we contribute to a more just and inclusive society. My hope is we can all learn to use our privilege to create positive change and advocate for others.

Meet the Author:

Lauren Horlick

Licensed Professional Counselor

Wellness & Courage’s Public Relations Manager

Jamy Hunter