Tackling Anxiety (When We Don't Have All Of The Information)
My eyesight is far from spectacular. Without my glasses, I can see blobs of color with no definition. Given that, it may come as no surprise that some of my highest moments of panic happen when I do not have my glasses on. This week, while taking a shower, a blob of a dark shadow flew near my face. Naturally, I screamed. There was an unidentified flying object in the shower with me, and my brain immediately went to thoughts of danger. Clearly, this was a wasp that wanted to seek vengeance while I was most vulnerable! I reunited with my glasses to investigate and discovered that the blob was a tiny ladybug. I did not have all the information, and my reaction was a bit disproportionate to the stressor. Our brains can quickly become anxious when we do not have all the information. Anxiety often thrives in uncertainty, making it challenging to feel secure when we lack all the information. The mind naturally tries to fill in the gaps, usually assuming the worst-case scenario. There are various events throughout the week where we cannot access all of the information. So, how do we reduce anxiety when this happens?
Slowing down and recognizing what is within our control can disrupt uncertainty and reduce spiraling into fear. Taking a step back to breathe, ground ourselves in the present moment, and challenge anxious thoughts can prevent us from getting swept up in speculation. Accepting that discomfort is a natural part of uncertainty allows us to move through it rather than resist it.
One practical way to manage this kind of anxiety is by focusing on action rather than overanalyzing what is unknown. Physical movement can help reduce our anxious energy. For example, I could have focused on getting my glasses quickly instead of dwelling on the possibility of the unidentified flying bug attacking me. When details are missing, it's easy to fall into the trap of seeking reassurance, often through excessive research. Unfortunately, these habits can reinforce anxiety rather than resolve it. We have most likely all searched for symptoms in Google, only to be met with even more intense anxiety than when we started. Instead, try setting a time limit for information gathering and making decisions based on what is currently available to help build confidence. We can adapt if new information arises, as we rarely have all of the answers and information in advance. By practicing flexibility, we can reduce the pressure to have every answer up front.
Lastly, it is essential to develop trust in ourselves when facing uncertainty (and in general). The more we navigate unknowns, the more we realize we are capable of handling them. We have navigated every unknown so far and will continue in the future. Shifting focus from "What if something goes wrong?" to "How do I want to navigate this?" can ease the anxiety that blooms from not having all the details. Through trusting in our ability to adjust to unknown life stressors, we learn to move through anxiety more easily. While uncertainty may never be entirely comfortable, it doesn't have to be paralyzing!
Meet the author:
Lauren Horlick
Licensed Professional Counselor
Wellness & Courage’s Public Relations Manager