Here we are at the end of another year. Whew, we did it! Before setting goals and intentions for the upcoming year, it is essential to pause and reflect on 2024. You most likely accomplished and endured more than you are giving yourself credit for. Pausing to reflect and process may help you move forward into the new year with increased confidence and clarity for what is to come. Even if this year was demanding and challenging, there is almost always something to take away and acknowledge growth. As you set up a reflection space, consider items you may need. Items may include journaling material, hot/cold beverages, space to process alone, etc. Go at your own pace while reflecting, and pause and break as needed.
Examples of reflection questions for 2024:
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
What moments from the year brought you the most joy and excitement?
What accomplishments were you most proud of?
Who had a positive impact on your life? In what ways did they help you?
What things did you learn about yourself throughout the year?
What are you most grateful for from this year?
What one word would summarize your year?
What were your favorites? (favorite movie, book, show, dinner, etc.)
Which habits and routines served you well, and which ones didn’t?
In what ways did you nurture and support the relationships in your life?
What did you feel was lacking from your year?
How did you spend your time this year? Did this align with your hopes and priorities for the year?
Do you feel like anything wasted your time this year?
What did you navigate that was unexpected?
What new skills or routines did you learn to do this year?
How did you support yourself and your needs this year?